Bruit Mobile

sound sculpture, 2019
wire, microphones, loudspeakers, amplifiers 
dimensions variable

A mobile is a kinetic sculpture in a state of equilibrium. Only an extrinsic force, for instance the soft breath of wind, disrupts this balance until the mobile slowly swings back into place.

In the realm of sound a similar state is found when producing an auditive feedback loop. Just like the mobile, it only persists in a self-contained system and may be disrupted by extrinsic forces. When confronted with an acoustic input, it changes its pitch and timbre. Its sinusoidal whistling turns into a shrieking and screeching until it finds back into its balanced state.

The Bruit Mobile attempts to link these two self-contained systems into yet another state of balance; a meta-equilibrium, so to speak. By merging the function of a feedback loop with the materiality of a mobile and making use of its inherently kinetic structure, the tone of the created feedback is not modulated by sound, but by kinetic energy, e.g. the wind.

Presented at KONTAKTE’19 at the Akademie der Künste Berlin (2019) and

at SoundsAbout (2020)

Eine Kooperation zwischen dem Festival KONTAKTE’19 der Akademie der Künste und dem Masterstudiengang Sound Studies and Sonic Arts am Berlin Career College der Universität der Künste Berlin. Gewinnerprojekt im Studierenden-Wettbewerb der Klasse “Experimentelle Klanggestaltung”, Leitung Prof. Hans Peter Kuhn."


pictures by David Gonzáles Landskron